This was my first time at the Salt flats and I was not disappointed. Apparently, it doesn't usually have those ripples in the salt, but boy was I glad it did. It created such an awesome look for these photos. And yes it looks like snow and it looks like it should be freezing! And yes we were all tempted to eat the salt, but we didn't. Except for maybe the kiddos! This session was shot in one spot but with the sun going down we got some awesome different looks. Now about this lovely family. Is it bad to say they are my favorite? Not only are they my good friends, but look at them!! They are straight out of a magazine! Those outfits, those hair styles, and those cutest munchkins? They are the reason these photos look so great. We had way too much fun exploring, and I'm glad I got to do it with the Sistrunks! Enjoy these yummy salty photos of this family of 4 and soon to be 5!

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